Thursday, 27 October 2011

Stocks hit by trading glitch

Posted to The Age (27/10/2011) on 27/10/2011 at 12:10 PM
Commenting on “Stocks hit by trading glitch”

The only way EU problems can be resolved is to allow those countries in financial crisis to default, or the whole world’s economy will be dragged down to the state no return! Let these troubled countries start out with a blank sheet – correction, let the filthy rich starts from scratch again. Greece is in a diabolical situation. Whether a country is governed by democratic system, dictatorship regime or communist ideology makes no difference to the people if equality and full stomach prevail. There are enough examples in the past as well as lately where people power has proved to be mightier than big guns and trained soldiers. I hope peaceful countries like Australia are vigilant about the ways public monies and taxes are spent, and that the wealth gaps between the haves and have-nots do not get bigger than the Earth’s fault lines.