Monday, 3 October 2011

Get tough on China: unions

Posted to The Age (3/10/2011) on 3/10/2011 at 11:42 AM
Commenting on “Get tough on China: unions”

@Alexander, why no one stops China stealing copyright for so long? In fact, the stupid "smart" countries hand over their decades of designs and blueprints to China via "technology transfer", utilising Chinese factories to produce their goods - idiotic but true. Why? China offers the world cheap labour! Is it China’s fault? No, comfortable life-style comes with a price!

Australia was classified as a developed country, while China was still "under-developed". Australia was so much richer, and China miserably poor. Australia was technologically advanced, and China relied on recycled, rusty metal scraps during early Mao's time. Now China is producing the latest generation computers, telecommunication electronics, electric cars, satellites, rockets, fastest train, etc. It can complete projects in short period well beyond other country’s dream.

Deregulate labour market without sacrificing OHS, revamp unemployment welfare system, and in the meantime curb obscene salaries and remunerations of top executives will likely to propel us in competing more vigorously in the world market, and cope with any future GFC.

Who wrecked this country? Ask the unions, and the big-mouth, loud-mouth leaders who know nothing about innovation or how to adapt to changes. Australia still lives in the past, and like dinosaurs, it will perish. I bet all these people will blame the negligible carbon emission as the cause of Australian economic extinction.