Wednesday, 22 July 2015

GST on low-value imported parcels moving closer

Posted to The Age (22/7/2015) on 22/7/2015 at 8:55AM
Commenting on "GST on low-value imported parcels moving closer"

It does not need the brain of Einstein to realise that GST should have been imposed long time ago on all online goods, local or from overseas from zero dollar. If the threshold is set to $20, many smart Alec will break up a multiple-item order into multiple orders of $20 or under.

I have written on many occasions about imposition of GST on online import, because many so called overseas suppliers are not genuine "overseas" suppliers, but local operators sourcing supplies from overseas and using leased overseas addresses.

If the U.S. can do it, why can't we in Australia? We are not in 2002 like one reader who used to work with the custom. Technology was not around to speed up the process.

Another reader reckons that PayPal declined to be a tax collector. Well, ATO should tell Paypal the good news about "do it or else".