Monday, 18 July 2011

Price war drives up supermarket sales

Posted to Adelaide Now (18/7/2011) on 18/7/2011 at 1:51 PM
Commenting on "Price war drives up supermarket sales"

For the last few years, I have been travelling to Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Singapore, UAE, Egypt, USA, Canada, UK, Russia and several European countries. In the end, I still call Melbourne, Australia home. Eating out is cheaper in many places, but life is more than just food. GST or similar taxes in many of these countries are much higher, and wages are lower.

Farmers and suppliers to large supermarkets must unite to negotiate a better deal. Their long term survival is also an interest to the supermarkets. Gone are the days when farmers just grow produce, they must learn to grow their bottom line now!

Supermarkets make more money from shoppers spending their savings on other more expensive items. No wonder these shoppers always cry poor, and accept and embrace a PM who can't manage taxpayer's money readily! Think about using the savings to reduce mortgage stress or spend on other essential items!

As for Michael Schneider, what sort of accommodation is he getting for that price in SE Asia? Once he steps out of his living compound, very likely he sees congested, noisy and dirty streets. Soon he probably seeks shelter in the Australian embassy due to political uprising.