Posted to The Australian (29/4/2011) on 29/4/2011 at 6:48 PM
Commenting on “Coalition warns of 'record' budget deficit amid revenue slump”
Anyone still supports these three stooges, “Gillard, Swan and Rudd”, is a stooge too. $50 billion or $54.8 billion are not just numbers; these translate into pain and suffering for most Australians now and a generation or more to come. Government does not have money; the money comes from your pocket, my pocket, and pockets of many fellow Australians.
Government run by stooges who are inept to manage our hard-earned money should be sacked as soon as possible. It was not because these stooges were handed a debt burdened economy; they had more than $20 billion in the kitty when baby face Rudd of the Labor Party snatched the prime ministership from Howard. Rudd and his fellow stooges spent the money recklessly and behaved as though there was no tomorrow.
Imagine if you were filling an Olympic-size pool with bottled water of 1 litre each, you will need 2.5 million bottles. If you pay $1 for a bottle of water, the amount of money Australia owes the world will buy you 189.9 billion bottles, enough to fill 76,000 Olympic-size pools. Honestly, the way these three stooges spend our money like water must have beaten any Guinness World Record.