Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Shares lower on Greece doubts

Posted to The Age (22/2/2012) on 22/2/2012 at 1:47 PM
Commenting on "Markets Live: Shares lower on Greece doubts"

Only bunnies believe Greece has such magical and mythical power to influence our stock market overnight!

Unlike, the Chinese God of Wealth who "is" obese (sign of prosperity) and has a smiling face, Plutus the Grecian mythological God was lame and blind!

If you lose your money by following the gypsy-style crystal-ball-reading analysts, I can visualise that you are a hopping mad blind Freddy!

Sunday, 19 February 2012

ANZ recruiting in Philippines as local jobs axed (Part 2 of 2)

Posted to The Age (19/2/2012) on 19/2/2012 at 12:22 PM (Not published by Newspaper)
Commenting on “ANZ recruiting in Philippines as local jobs axed”

Just in case some readers are not familiar with the basic accounting equation, profit or loss of a business is equal to income minus costs and expenses. Salaries, wages and superannuation, office rental, utilities, etc are costs and expenses, and since with less people around, the costs and expenses will be drastically cut. The profit will increase even if the income remains unchanged.

Are these CEO’s that smart to come out with these strategies? No, many just spend company’s money to engage consultants to plot against their own people! If part of the CEO’s reward is based on performance, this is the simplest way to make more profit without increasing sales!

How can these people go to bed with a clear conscience every night?

End 2 of 2 Parts

ANZ recruiting in Philippines as local jobs axed (Part 1 of 2)

Posted to The Age (19/2/2012) on 19/2/2012 at 10:26 AM
Commenting on “ANZ recruiting in Philippines as local jobs axed”

Whose jobs will be axed next?

For any major restructuring of a large organisation, the axe always starts from the lower rung of the leader. As the number of workhorses diminishes, supervision and management roles of the middle management are reduced, and so will the positions.

Well, you guess it right; once the middle managers are gone, the senior managers will be the next in line. I have come across a very senior manager from an Asian country who strategized the restructuring of the Australian operation received the same treatment after he had executed professionally many of his fellow colleagues.

The saddest thing is the senior managers are too naïve to think that they have done a good job and will be rewarded accordingly. The only ones that reap the benefit will be the CEO and Directorates, who claim the credit of turning the bottom line to show healthy profit.

End 1 of 2 Parts